Simon Dube
Last Aired on March 25, 2022

Simon Dubé is a Public Scholar and PhD candidate in Psychology at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) specializing in human sexuality, sextech, and Erobotics – the study of human-machine erotic interaction and co-evolution. His work also explores Space Sexology, and how we can integrate sex research into space programs. In 2020 and 2021, he co-authored Foundations of Erobotics and The Case for Space Sexology. He is a student representative of the International Academy of Sex Research and a general co-Chair of the International Congress on Love & Sex with Robots. His doctoral research is funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec Santé (FRQS). He also features in the French docuseries, Sexe+Techno, and Rudolph and Werner Herzog's Discovery+ documentary, Last Exit: Space
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March 25, 2022
Have you ever considered what it would be like to have sex in space? With zero gravity, confined quarters, lack of resistance, and that messy clean-up… could it actually be as pleasurable as we would expect? Join us with Space Sexology Expert, Simon Dube, co-Chair of the International Congress on Love & Sex with Robots, as we discuss all aspects of how we can integrate sex research into the space programs. We get deep into his research on human sexuality, sextech and erobotics - the study of human-machine erotic interaction and co-evolution.