MaryEllen Reider
Last Aired on September 13, 2018

MaryEllen Reider is the co-director of Yarlap, the wellness device to treat urinary incontinence and improve sexual performance and experience through muscle control. MaryEllen spends a lot of time researching and finding out what’s new in the pelvic floor world and the social media realm. She strives to empower women through their pelvic floor muscles. She enjoys getting to know her customers through social media and speaking events, and inspiring people about why the Kegel exercises and Yarlap are so important.
MaryEllen and her dad have emerged as a leading voice in the pelvic floor and sex tech wellness space.
Since MaryEllen is on a roll with social media, you can always find her and what Yarlap has been up to by following @Yarlap_OTC on Instagram or @YarlapOTC on Facebook. She is
always excited when people interact on platforms and have suggestions on Yarlap’s blog posts – so feel free to browse around the blog and reach out.
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September 13, 2018
You’ve heard about the pelvic floor, and the importance of Kegel exercises, right? But, as simple and easy as they are, you never get around to doing them... Sound familiar? Wouldn’t it be great if we had a device to do our Kegel exercises for us? What an amazing idea!! Join us as we chat with MaryEllen and Brent Reider, co-founders of Yarlap, the AutoKegel device for stimulating the pelvic floor, as we get into how strong pelvic floor muscles help us have great sex.