Why should you watch porn?
Written by Jennelle Gordon on Sep 8th, 2020

The age-old question that still lingers on the mind of most women in society is should I watch porn or should I not?
Is porn socially acceptable as it’s something that we can watch without fear of being ridiculed or is porn something that’s sturdy and that can contribute to violence and really degrading acts towards women?
Does watching porn make me a bad person? Heads up ladies! Let me discuss with you.
Why and how you should watch porn without feeling the guilt?
I’m actually encouraging you to watch porn but of course taking into consideration the kind of porn that you will watch and why it matters.
Let’s start with the statistics or data which shows that 30% of all the data that’s been transferred across the web is porn related.
And porn sites receive more traffic than Amazon, Netflix and Twitter – combined. And another shocking stats is 64% of 13 – 24-year-olds seek out porn weekly at least once or twice.
So given these statistics, I guess it’s safe to say that a lot of people actually do watch porn.
Unfortunately, the type of porn that’s being consumed or sought after, is porn with women who looked younger or porn with physical violence done.
My thoughts on this
I think it’s important for us to understand that we all want porn because it is exciting. And it’s actually one of our basic human needs. The need for variety. Watching porn as a whole keeps us excited and can actually be healthy in a relationship.
The only problem is the type of porn that one should watch, some porn can damage our relationship, some are creating violence to some women and some are not allowing men and women to enjoy a healthy sex life that’s full of variety.
My view on porn as someone who experience being in the porn industry myself is that porn can fuels major issues like human trafficking and sexual perversion.
A lot of girls we’re finding out today was actually being trafficked and bond sold and you don’t even know it.
The other problem that this type of porn is facilitating more issues with is domestic violence, violence against women, and degrading women.
My recommendation
I do think it’s important to watch porn but I think it’s the right type of porn. Personally, I just don’t engage with it anymore because it doesn’t sit right with my spiritual practice, and I have a non-profit organization that supports the victims of human trafficking that’s why I don’t feel like I can support it.
However, there are amazing companies out there that are making really great porn. And one of the companies is called bustle – it’s a women-owned operated porn company and they create porn by women for women.
Think of romance novels. The sort that’s not popular but still gives us the variety.
To close this out, don’t feel ashamed if you want to watch porn. It’s the type of porn that matters.
On a tantra perspective, it’s all about variety is great and using sexual energy for power, however, it always goes back to what we called the bible of the yoga world.
The Yamas and niyamas, which is – you don’t harm anyone, our hands are non – violence and most of these porns are harming women.
That’s why I don’t choose to watch porn but I do suggest for you to try it by taking into consideration the variety of it.
To sum it up, I hope this blog has been insightful for you and possibly made you rethink a little of the type of porn that you’re watching.
Hopefully, you can support some of the companies and non-profit organizations that help the victims of human trafficking.
Queens – remember to make it an Omazing day and don’t forget to shine goddess!