The Swinging Lifestyle in the age of COVID-19
Written by Dr Rhoda Lipscomb on Jun 8th, 2020

Ever since the COVID-19 virus has become a global pandemic it has dominated the news both day and night. As the number of confirmed cases increase, along with the rising number of severe cases and deaths, the CDC and other public health officials are urging everyone to take this seriously. Schools, bars & restaurants, stores and even parks are closed, as well as public gatherings of any kind.
Sheltering-in-place orders have made us all adjust our schedules and lifestyles, creating a new, albeit temporary, normal. So, what does this mean for those who are active in the swinging lifestyle? How do we practice the lifestyle we love and remain safe for ourselves and others? How do you practice social distancing as a swinger?
Over the past few weeks, I have seen articles and discussions on lifestyle sites, discussing these very issues. Some say we should not worry and “party on.” Others believe we should be more cautious, especially with the fear of possibly spreading it to others, many who have compromised health issues. Not everyone who could become severely ill from COVID-19 is elderly. Many younger people have health issues that are not obvious to most of us yet would be compromised by this particular virus.
When I originally posted in my Facebook Page about this on March 18th, I received a few comments that seemed to agree that right now is the time we all, as humans, make the sacrifice to give up some of our preferences, and even needs, for the sake of overall health and safety.
Those in a polyamorous relationship, if quarantined together, are practicing patience and not pushing for contact that could potentially put themselves or their partners at risk. Rather than dating, they are focusing on their primary partners, whether that person lives with them, or by screen-time for those they don’t. Now is the time to get creative and stay safe by sexting, masturbating, or talking about things important to your relationship to build non-sexual intimacy.
If you are looking for support in how to better navigate your open relationship, or transition from monogamy into one, contact me today to learn more about how we may work together.