"Sex Positive Parenting" Do Kids Have Sexual Rights Too?
Written by Dr Nancy on Dec 11th, 2018

"Do Children Have Sexual Rights?
With Dr's Nancy & Mark on The Conscious Living Show which airs live every Tuesday 9am PT, 12noon ET.
Today we bring on the tender topic of Children and their sexual rights, when and how to talk to your kids about sex, pleasure, body functions and intimacy. Mark and I tackle the issues of children's natural curiosity and intrinsic sensuality. We understand many young parents are not even aware of their own sexual rights, let alone the rights of their children. When you listen to our Conscious Parenting shows we hope it stimulates conversation between the most influencial people in your children's lives, their parents!
We have been asked by the network to devote one of our shows a month to this very topic. This speaks to how vitally important it is. As a Sex Doctor I see the fall out of a lack of information, or worse, harsh judgements and shaming that causes lifelong damage. These are many of the adults I work with today who have so much guilt and shame around something so natural and healthy that it's the very thing that brought us all here today.
So my work with parents will focus on the various stages of childhood development so they can better form concepts and teaching tools that match the maturity and readiness of their children along the way. How to answer questions with a few questions first to assess what your children know or think they know. Clearing up the myths with solid, sex positive information is always a great place to begin a conversation.
What if I don't know the answer?
I can almost guarentee this will happen. We are often caught off guard by our kids. Be honest. Tell them you don't really know the answer to that - so you will go to a reliable source and find it for them. They will respect this as well as learn that searching for reliable information is critical for any knowledge seeking. If they are old enough, you can search with them to teach them what reliable sources are out there so they can eventually seek the answers themselves. (They may already be doing so if they have any internet access.)
We will be announcing the dates in advance of our Conscious Sexuality Parenting episodes, so please follow us on IG, FB, Twitter and here! If you have specific questions, please email me at DrNancy@DrNSP.com