Pleasure Is Our Birthright (Nov 6, 2018 Show)
Written by Dr Nancy on Nov 13th, 2018

With Dr's Nancy & Mark
Nov 6, 2018 Conscious Living Show Blog
Description: Pleasure is something we assume everyone enjoys, yet many women never orgasm, and very few orgasm with PV sex alone.
Dr. Nancy and Dr. Mark will discuss many fun and sexy details on how we can break through any shame or guilt and open up to the wonderful world of sensual pleasure – and maybe the big O too!
Intention: Let women know they have a right to sexual pleasure and do not ever need to tolerate anything less than what they desire.
Sponsor Focus: Thank you to our partnership with SYBIAN!
What can audience learn? Pleasure is the antidote to stress. Stress speeds up aging. So perhaps pleasure is the fountain of youth? 😊
Hosts: Dr’s Nancy & Mark
Overview: Until recently, sexual pleasure for women wasn’t well understood or openly discussed. Women deserve a healthy vibrant sexual life as an integral part of their overall health care. We’re here to help you articulate your needs to your partner and perhaps even your doctor. We’re passionate about women’s health and the importance the role pleasure plays.
Many adults have questions, concerns or even fears around their intimate life. As sexual health professionals no question is off limits or will be judged in any way.
Women’s bodies were designed to fully enjoy sexual pleasure without any other purpose. It’s our turn to take control of our sexual experiences so we live our fullest pleasure potential.
Sex is intended to feel good, be connecting and just plain ole fun. To keep our intimacy fresh we need to stay creative, playful and open to the endless ways to experience pleasure.
Our capacity for pleasure starts in the womb and continues until our last breath. Yet were taught very little to support enjoying a long healthy sexual life.
The misinformation around sexuality is now being replaced with real, healthy, sex positive knowledge.
This new education prepares us to deal with the residual blockers to our pleasure. Those are shame, guilt, embarrassment, frustration or lack of understanding. We’re here to start a healthy conversation with you.
Word Of The Week.
#MeToo & You
Asking for what you want. First finding out exactly what that is. Self-exploration alone and with your partner. Teach each other what you enjoy – and when that changes, you will be more at ease sharing your changing needs.
Wrap it up!
I share a story about the granddaughter of Dr. Ted, the founding director of the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. You might find it interesting, especially if you are a parent.
Take matters into your own hands – be your best lover first -then you can teach the other’s you carefully choose.
Tune in next week Nov 13, 2018 at 9AM PST / 12 noon EST on the Sexy Lifestyle Network for the next Conscious Living Show when we talk about Is Intimacy Going Extinct?
Until next time, Love Hard, Laugh More and Kiss Longer!
Kisses and Namaste, Dr. Nancy