Chakrubs, Yoni Eggs and Pussy Health
Written by Sex Uninterrupted on Oct 23rd, 2018

If you’ve been present on social media, I’m sure you have heard all about crystals and their healing benefits. The New Age movement is surfacing and it’s not just the shamans and “hippies” that are turning to crystals, sage and singing bowls to aid in healing the body and soul - it’s becoming popular in all of mainstream society!
It’s not surprising that Yoni Eggs are making a return and crystal dildos/play toys are sparking interest in people. If you haven’t heard about these fabulous tools yet and their benefits in pussy health, then this article is for you! “The tradition of exercising the pelvic and vaginal floor muscles with polished stone eggs has been around for over two thousand years. Originally, this powerful practice was taught exclusively to concubines for the emperor and members of the royal circle, as wise, ancient powers believed that health, beauty and longevity could all be achieved through a strong and healthy vagina.1”
The secret eventually did get out and Yoni Eggs have assisted women for thousands of years in pelvic floor health. The original egg was actually only made in jade but, as crystals became more mainstream variety was provided to women. Having strong pelvic floor muscles is important for many reasons. It improves the quality and quantity of your orgasms because your muscles are strong and tight. “Orgasms will feel bigger and stronger 2” and your body will be more flexible and able to try different positions that may have previously been painful or uncomfortable.
Yoni Eggs also provide relief for women experiencing issues surrounding Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Peeing while you cough, sneeze or exercise, organ prolapse and sexual dysfunctions are all signs that your pelvic floor is in need of some serious TLC. Women usually experience pelvic floor dysfunction due to childbirth but some can due to surgery, excess body weight or lack of kegels (vagina workouts).
Chakrubs is a company that brings the Yoni Eggs, crystals and sex positive health all together.
The assortment of Yoni Eggs that Chakrubs offers is vast and they take the time to describe what each does. Some Eggs - like Carnelian - are good for sparking creativity. Others - like the Rose Quartz - aid in healing, acceptance of self and opening up your heart.
Chakrubs didn’t end with the Yoni Eggs either. They carry a line of crystal dildos, butt plugs and fetish toys. You can find beautiful amethyst curved wands that are absolutely stunning and feel so light and refreshing to use. Or the popular Indian Jade Root “Plug” that is meant to stimulate and heal the enormous amount of nerve endings that are in and around your anus. Apparently this particular one is meant to give you powerful, multiple orgasms - I believe it too because it is on backorder and has rave reviews!
The crystals can be used anytime and anywhere. I wear my Yoni Eggs at work when I feel that I need certain boost of energy. I especially love using my Carnelian one when I work on Sex Unitnerutped work as it increases my energy, creativity and confidence. I find these are great to use with other women too. Two women using a crystal dildo is so wildly sexy and the energy and fire they ignite makes the toy’s energy powerful and amplified.
I love when companies and the people that work for them have a passion for caring. And that’s exactly what I feel Chakrubs practises. On their website they state “We believe that our customers are pioneers, are gods and goddesses, and are helping to shape what this company is.3” If you are interested in learning more about what Chakrubs offers you can check out their webpage here.